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CarryHigh comes from the verb carrying as you carry your essentials in the shoe, and because it's a high heel, CarryHigh. Eventhough CarryHigh's high heel is about carrying low, high is always better than low, right?
CarryHigh was a 4 girls' idea. It came to life due to the Idea pathway project of Ins Ronda, Lleida. The 4 girls are Vanessa Nebozhenko, Martina Berbel, Lara Molins and Lara Platenkamp, the founders. We were already good clasmates, but this project made our bond stronger. CarryHigh started being just the thought of a shoe with a hidden compartment in its heel and it developed to being a whole business idea and a family to turn to.
La nostra missió és proporcionar un producte únic i útil a les nostres clientes. Es tracta d’una sabata feta per treure la preucupació de moltes dones d’on deixar la bossa quan vas de
festa, apart, la probabilitat de robatori és molt més petita amb CarryHigh que amb qualsevol altra bossa. L’objectiu principal és que les nostres clientes estiguin segures d’on porten els seus essencials, no tan sols per seguretat sinó també per confiança en elles mateixes.
Busquem l’expansió a nivell mundial, aconseguir expandir-nos amb èxit a nous mercats internacionals, aprofitant la nostra reputació i capacitat per adaptar-nos a diferents contextos culturals i reguladors. Volem convertir-nos en un referent en sostenibilitat i implementar pràctiques innovadores per reduir l'empremta ambiental del nostre producte. La innovació seguirà sent una prioritat, amb contínues inversions en recerca i desenvolupament per mantenir-se a l'avantguarda de la tecnologia i anticipar les futures necessitats del mercat.
Lara Molins Buira
A 16-year-old girl born and raised in Spain. She loves hanging out with her friends and making CarryHigh become an amazing place to unite people even more.
Vanessa Nebozhenko
She's only 15, but knows how to make it all work. She lives in Spain now, but her blood is all ukranian. She has always loved fashion and aplying a unic style to CarryHigh.
Martina Berbel Pujols
She's 15, was born and lives in Spain. She loves going shoping and knowing all what's trendy and appealing to the client, she knows what CarryHigh's buyers want best.
Lara Platenkamp Ballarín
A 15-year-old girl, half spanish and half dutch. She loves to go out, live adventures and making CarryHigh, an original and incredible bussiness idea, worth it.
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